The Best of 2019 – Wedding Photography

alt="Rob and Edyta - Missenden Abbey Wedding Photography"

Hello lovely people!

It was a great year for us, truly. Next week we are photographing the first wedding of this wedding season 2020. We are looking forward to this event.

Year 2019 was a landmark year for us. We have learned a lot. Many mistakes have been eliminated. We spent a record amount of funds on development. We’ve earned the most. We traveled the most miles in the history. We worked 7 days a week from morning to night combining full-time work with work at #ThePhotoHouse.

All this would not have been achieved without my beloved wife, daughter, clients and teachers.

Thank you all for being here.

Interested in booking a wedding photo shoot with #thephotohouse? Please use my Contact  page to send me a message.


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